The Brno Branch held a bonfire activity thing, kind-of a late halloween celebration, and we had 4 of our investigators come. Which for the CZ is an amazing turn-out, so we were super pumped about that and they got to meet the wonderful members of the church here in such a fun atmosphere. The bonfire was on the land next to the church building that we bought a short time ago and they announced that there would be fireworks, not gonna lie, I totally expected some wimpy sparklers, but man, they really brought out the big guns. Prolly would have broken some regulations or rules in America. They were Oklahoma property worthy haha.
I almost expected to hear the chant, "Merlins in the lake!" It was so fun, and the kids were all dressed up in their costumes, and there was tons of food, felt like an activity at home. <3 I absolutely adore the people here in Brno. And it makes me teary-eyed thinking about leaving them, especially with Christmas coming up. (Transfers are on Dec. 1) I feel absolutely spoiled here, they are so awesome.
On Sunday, they had baptisms for to darling girls from the branch. The parents wanted us to teach them a little bit so that they could really make the decision for themselves. The parents asked us if we would perform a musical number at the service too. So ya, we sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" in czech (obviously) and Sister Steglich played the guitar (because she is amazing like that). We had one of our investigators there too for the baptism so that was cool too. I really feel apart of this branch, like a twig on their branch haha. I don't want to leave! But I know I will love anywhere I serve, so wherever I go next I will be happy. The language...yes. It is coming along still! I am finding alot more confidence in it and actually able to carry-on semi-normal conversations with people as if I were speaking in english. I am forgetting alot of english words yay! Fun fact about czech- no=yes and host=guest haha. But I love it! The work is coming along, and I am learning more and more every-day how to improve myself and share my testimony of Christ with others so that they can experience the lasting joy and peace it provides. Sorry for my grammatically-disgusting run-on sentences.