The scenery here is beautiful but still
it is easy to get homesick, I feel ya. Those are the times we just need
to work and distract our minds from what we are missing and focus on the
future and blessings we have, because we are sooooo blessed!!!!!!!!!!!
The knowledge we have about our Heavenly Father's eternal plan and how
we can achieve forever-lasting happiness. Sometimes we have to remember
that although we don't like the storms, they are necessary in order to
provide nourishment for the land. And there is then further opportunity
for further growth and development. I am so grateful for you Court and
I am so so soooo excited to talk to you and Cam and the whole fam on
Mother's day. I
love that Nala story. (in response to a story I, Courtney, told her) So typical Nala. I know exactly how she prolly
reacted and bounded-in haha. :)
I know if you pray for missionary
opportunities they will come. The Lord is apart of this work and it is
such a privilege to be an instrument in His hands. I love being here,
but I also miss you terribly. But what is a year and a half in
comparison to eternity right? and I want others to have that opportunity
to be with their loved-ones too. Because that brings me so much joy and
Updates from Sestra Carley Schoen, sister missionary in the Czech Republic for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Happy Late MBster! ("Easter")
Hey yall! So our Easter was great! We went to a castle "Trosky" and it was a blast.
Sunday was a wonderful day too. I love it in MB more than ever. We are seeing miracles
right and left. So on Monday (Easter Monday) lesson cancels, we go contacting get shot down hard-core a couple of times, then I see this lady trying to run to catch her bus and the bus driver just keeps going (I may need to repent for the harsh feelings I have for bus drivers) Anywho, so we walk up behind her and I see her shoulders sink down a couple stories, and it broke my heart, so we start talking to her...she walks the entire street with us (passing her own house come to find out later) and we sat and taught her the plan of salvation and helped her recognize moments in her life when she felt God's influence. Once she started she rattled-off at least 5 different occasions, talking about a "small voice in her heart of head" that warned her, or when she felt comfort after pleading for solace after the death of her husband, etc. It was a beautiful experience and I really felt like a representative of Christ uplifting her spirits. Then after that we contact this guy who just recently moved here from Slovakia and taught him a lesson on the street and set up another lesson with him. It was sooo amazing. The Lord is truly behind this work. As hard as it was to be away from my family this Easter, seeing families outside enjoying the fresh-air together and playing, I feel like it has been the most impactful Easter that I have ever had because my "celebrating" mainly entails doing what He would have me do, share this message of hope and joy. How else in this crazy world can we find peace and solace than from the message of Him who gave His entire life and all His energie for the betterment of mankind? He truly "overcame" the world and we do not need to fear. It is near-impossible to express the sweetness of the message of the gospel. But I am trying. Because I know it is true. It is the only thing that truly picks us up, brushes us off and gives us a hug when we feel utterly trodden down and discouraged. And you can't know that without trying it. But I am so confident that it works that I want everyone to at least try it for themselves. I am so grateful to be in the Czech Republic. It's tough stuff sometimes, not gonna lie. But I feel God's presence and support and that gives me the deepest joy. I love you all so much and I hope yall had an amazing Easter!
Sunday was a wonderful day too. I love it in MB more than ever. We are seeing miracles
right and left. So on Monday (Easter Monday) lesson cancels, we go contacting get shot down hard-core a couple of times, then I see this lady trying to run to catch her bus and the bus driver just keeps going (I may need to repent for the harsh feelings I have for bus drivers) Anywho, so we walk up behind her and I see her shoulders sink down a couple stories, and it broke my heart, so we start talking to her...she walks the entire street with us (passing her own house come to find out later) and we sat and taught her the plan of salvation and helped her recognize moments in her life when she felt God's influence. Once she started she rattled-off at least 5 different occasions, talking about a "small voice in her heart of head" that warned her, or when she felt comfort after pleading for solace after the death of her husband, etc. It was a beautiful experience and I really felt like a representative of Christ uplifting her spirits. Then after that we contact this guy who just recently moved here from Slovakia and taught him a lesson on the street and set up another lesson with him. It was sooo amazing. The Lord is truly behind this work. As hard as it was to be away from my family this Easter, seeing families outside enjoying the fresh-air together and playing, I feel like it has been the most impactful Easter that I have ever had because my "celebrating" mainly entails doing what He would have me do, share this message of hope and joy. How else in this crazy world can we find peace and solace than from the message of Him who gave His entire life and all His energie for the betterment of mankind? He truly "overcame" the world and we do not need to fear. It is near-impossible to express the sweetness of the message of the gospel. But I am trying. Because I know it is true. It is the only thing that truly picks us up, brushes us off and gives us a hug when we feel utterly trodden down and discouraged. And you can't know that without trying it. But I am so confident that it works that I want everyone to at least try it for themselves. I am so grateful to be in the Czech Republic. It's tough stuff sometimes, not gonna lie. But I feel God's presence and support and that gives me the deepest joy. I love you all so much and I hope yall had an amazing Easter!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
I'm all Mlada Pluns
Hey yall!
What a great week! It has been an awesome
first week of transfers, really cool to serve with Sister Steglich again
and see how we have both matured in our missionary work and have just
so much excitement for the area here. We are thick as thieves. This week
we had our relief society activity in MB, so I was stressin about that
big time. With Sister Hicken gone, and Sister Steglich is getting
adjusted to the area, I felt a lot of pressure with it. But, thankfully
people came and we made the flowers and I even made muffins...(I know!).
So it turned out well. We had 2 investigators there and it was the
first official unveiling of our office to the branch. And it was great
to have them enjoy it and I hope that they will start having more
regular ones now that they feel the joy that comes with getting together
to do something for service in the community. These flowers are for a
local night-shelter beneficiary concert as gifts to those that attend. I
love feeling so embedded in the city here and actually of-use. And you
definitely have greater love for those you serve. And on Saturday and Sunday
was conference and thanks to an amazing member in Prague that Sister
Steglich is close to, we were able to get it on a USB and permission to
watch conference at our office! But we were trying to get people there
and like Dal said, its hard for people to get to conference but we had
on awesome turn-out and we watched it in Czech and it was awesome! The
spirit was so strong and we had 3 investigators there on Sunday
and I think they enjoyed it. I know I did. I love this city and am
loving the work!!!! :D Feeling absolutely blessed. Love you all and may
you have a wonderful EGGcellent Easter!!:)
I am reading Jesus the Christ still and it is truly my favorite
book. My testimony of the Savior and his integral role in the plan, our
faith, and our lives has deepened so much!
s Laskou,
Sestra Schoen
Monday, April 7, 2014
So It's Boleslav-icial....
And the news is.... I am still in MB (Mlada Boleslav)!!! and
with....Sister Steglich!!!! That's right! One of my companion's from my
second trio :) I love her dearly and I am so grateful the Lord is
spoiling me like he does. We are so pumped for this week and have a ton
of work we want to get done. Sister Hicken is in Prague as a Sister
Trainer Leader so I will get to see her occasionally. I love this city
and I am so stoked for the miracles that are no doubt going to happen
this transfer! I loved all your emails and get such a power surge from
them! I am so stoked for Conference this weekend (we wait a week until
it is translated into Czech).
I am so excited for
conference this week and I hope some of our investigators come! We have a
lot more work to do here but I am so grateful the weather is being so
gosh-darn gorgeous and we can start teaching outside in the glorious
We have been working with
the branch more here we met with the relief society president and this
week we are having another activity but this time in MB and I am super
stoked! I am so excited to include more experiences of the miracles we
have this week! Because I know we are going to have sooo many!!!!:D We
are just thick as thieves and are going to raise our vision here and
really "get ur done!!!"
We are just so pumped and I looooooove
being a missionary! :D
Sestra Schoen

Thursday, April 3, 2014
You Just Mlada Bole-ieve!
Hello Family!
It has been a great week as usual here in the CZ. We had that
concert in Liberec and it went really well, we had an investigator there
and the missionaries in Liberec had some random guy come who got a
mysterious text invite from someone and he really loved it and is now a
new investigator. Cool, huh? Miracle!
We had District Conference
yesterday in Prague so that included the Liberec, Hradec Kralove, Plzen,
Jicin, and Praha branches. Elder Olsen of the Seventy came with his
wife and daughter to speak. Very spiritually empowering and I think the
members really enjoyed it. I know I did! :)
This is my and Sister
Hicken's last week together... :( Neither of us want to leave but we are
also sure that wherever we go and whoever we go with, will be exactly
what the Lord wants for us.
I definitely understand the need
for frequent changes, it is hard to get sedentary when you are having to
keep on your toes. And changes give further opportunities to explore
new ways to display faith, grow your testimony and further your
understanding. :) The time goes by crazy-quick though. I used to think 9
weeks was a long time... but NO! It passes like *that (fingersnap)! And
you find yourself grading yourself almost like a semester in
school. (btdubs Cass, praying for you!!!)
- How did I do compared to my potential?
- What more can I do?
I am so
grateful for all of y'all and your wonderful support. You're the best!
My motto for this week is, "How am I exercising more faith today than I
did yesterday?"
When we are using all our opportunities to work those
faith muscles, we become stronger in our devotion to serve the Lord with
all our might and are more capable instruments in His hands.
Have a wonderful week!
s Laskou!
Sestra Schoen
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