First off. You all lose! I have gotten several brief mentions of
Cassidy's 15 minutes of fame in reference to so you think you can dance
but no actual information or a story.... You're trying to drive me mad
aren't you??
Haha I am so soooo excited to hear more about it as sooon
as possible! This week was great, we had some awesome lessons and
miracles of course. That group of friends are good, we talked to them
for a bit again but the whole pulling out of the world is proving to be
difficult. The world's influence is a very strong force here, as I am
sure it is everywhere, but man it's irritating! We attempted to
celebrate 4th of July in our own way... burgers and contacting people on
freedom! (and that morning I may have blasted Celine Dion's God Bless
Americe and Im Proud to Be an American by Al Green). My poor Latvian
companion was I'm sure a tad annoyed with my cheesy, eccentric pariotism
but #represent.
On the way to a training in Prague weeks ago with my new companion, Sister Senkane |
We went contacting as a district (btw there are 6
missionaries total in our branch Cam) in a park and talked about how God
has given us the ability to choose and he wants us to keep our freedom
and also know how to use it wisely. That is something that is engrained
in my heart and although I can't rant on politics persay, I can rave
about what a blessing it is to be free to make our own decisions.
Liberty is priceless. But some take it for granted or rather, dont
thoroughly understand it. We have 100% control of what we do, what
people forget is that we dont have control of the consequences. But if
we know the outcome we want we can make the most of the decisions we
make in order to achieve that outcome. Thereby using our ability to
choose correctly. If we direct our lives to achieve a distant point we
will achieve it and learn in the process. The quote, "aim small, miss
small" comes to mind. The idea that we are tossed about by the many
choices around us is absurd and in actuality robs us of the freedom to
choose for ourselves. Opposite of popular opinion, we do not have to try
everything even the harmful things the world has to offer. That is just
pressure to satisfy a public demand. We have to make smart decisions so
we are not held captive to negative consequences. If we know that doing
something brings a less-than-desirable result, let us use our noggin's
to direct us towards a new path that will help us actually grow. I feel
like that is logical. Rant of the week again. Apologies. Just been on my
mind. I love you all!