Monday, November 24, 2014

Blessings from out of the Blue!

So crazy how Heavenly Father lays things out for us perfectly. So I guess I'm going to USU?! (Carley got an amazing scholarship letter this week) I am so happy/a gigantic ball of nerves. Anywho. this week was great again and tomorrow I am going to Prague for training so hopefully it goes well. We met with the family from FM again and that was so amazing, we taught them the Plan of Salvation and they loved it. I am so grateful to know that families are eternal and that we are all sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father who wants nothing more, than for us to succeed in life and be happy now and for eternity. I know its all true, so its easy to teach:) Plus we met with the wonderful mother in Opava and met some truly amazing people this week. I love the Ostrava branch here and its almost surreal planning for Christmas here and knowing I wont see the "fruits" of it with my own eyes but I know that they are in for some Christmas miracles and a whole lotta joy. I love the Czech Republic!!!

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, I definitely feel the warmth of your support here in the cold. Its really not too cold though here. Still hasn't snowed! So Sister Schoen's prayers have been successfully answered. woop woop!!! :D
I love my companion, she's a tough cookie and sweet as can be :)
Everything is wonderful!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!!!!
s laskou,

Monday, November 17, 2014

All Hands on Frydek!

Great week for sure! So since you asked what a sister trainer leader (yes, I don't get the name either... but as the 14th article of faith states, "We believe in the use of acronyms.") lemme try to splain. I call all the sisters every week to get an update of the area and interview them on how they are doing. I visit each companionship and do a 24 hour exchange with them, helping them in their area. I also talk to President weekly and attend Mission Leadership Council once a month while also preparing trainings for the zones. So basically... I just travel alot and talk on the phone and learn from all the amazing sisters. Hats off to my companion, in her first transfer she was definitely thrown into a whirlwind. We are loving the city and working hard towards Christmas. I love it here!!!! <3 
I love you all!!!!!
Have a great week!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween FryDeckoratations :)

So Happy late Halloween! I love halloween. I couldnt dress up but all is well it was a blast! We had a halloween party and I think everyone really enjoyed it and it is always fun putting my event planning hat on (metaphorically)

We had no-bake monster cookies with gummy worms inside and since pumpkins here get pretty pricy we carved orange bell peppers and had salsa and ranch dip (thanks mom!) coming out the mouths in a similar fashion like I saw in Courts pics. We played games with the kids and all the adults and the missionaries sang a hymn... that wasnt too halloweeny but it was a hit so yay! Today we went to a WWII museum and even though they were supposed to be closed today the people were nice enough to let us have a private tour of the whole facility and it was great! Very very very depressing but great! I learned alot. This week I will be going to prague for Leadership training Council then to Mlada Boleslav on an exchange so alot of travelling but it should be great. Thank you all for your prayers! I love you and I hope you have a great first week of November!!!:)