Monday, November 4, 2013

Freezer Brno!

I'm assuming based on the title of her last e-mail home "Freezer Brno!" Sestra Schoen meant to tell us about how cold it is in Brno...but I think she fogot. 

Any way, here is her update: 

Wow, a week already? There is some-kinda weird time-warp that happens on the mission I feel like. I am now beginning the 6th month out. And it seriously feels like just yesterday I was walking into the MTC. The language is still coming along, I bore my testimony at church yesterday, my prepared thoughts completely left my noggin though the moment I gathered the courage to stand up, but then it is too late and you have to go up there. (insert Courtney's note here: in the Mormon, or LDS, faith, the first Sunday of every month is devoted to what we call "Fast and Testimony Meeting." Everyone fasts with a purpose for two meals, then attends sacrament meeting with that purpose near and dear to their heart. Instead of hearing prepared talks like we do every other Sunday during the first hour of church--referred to as "sacrament meeting", on the first Sunday of each month all members of the congregation, including young children and visitors, are invited to stand and bare witness of their faith)

She's always wanted to dye her hair brown...but me and Mom wouldn't let her. I guess she finally realized we couldn't control her any more, now that she lives in the Czech Republic. Silly girl, she's still Carley, a goof ball and too precious.
I don't know what the difference is, I tell strangers my testimony all the time, but for some reason that pulpit no-matter where you are in the world, has quite the intimidation-factor. Anywho, have I mentioned the love I have for the Brno Branch?? They are all just amazing, and seeing all of them at church has become such a highlight. It feels like home. And the fact that I can feel so comfortable there thousands and thousands and thousands of miles away from what I am familiar with, yet be sitting there at choir practice with the members practicing for their Christmas program as the little kids run around the building with their snacks since they don't fast...I had the calmest, warmest sensation run through me. I hear all the time from people that they believe they don't need a church. But when I have moments like that I know that we have church because in this fight to protect righteous living, wholesome values, and the importance of family, it's nice to know we are not alone. And how awesome is it that we can learn from and relate to one another. We are all different and unique, church doesn't squelch that individuality, if anything, it heightens it because we have callings and responsibilities that allow us to express our personalities and insights. 

I had a wonderful interview with President McConkie, our mission president, he checks-up with us to see how we are doing and what we need. He is truly inspired of the Lord, without me having to say anything, he addressed some things I was struggling with. One of those was individuality or feeling like I wasn't losing who I am, this weird and dorky person I am, because I get lost in the obsessiveness that can sometimes accompany the work. I do feel like I am changing, which is good but I want to keep those parts of me that make me unique. Anyhwo, without me having to try and explain this he told me to be myself. And that's all I needed to hear. And he told me how he perceived me, who I was and nailed it on the head. It was definitely a testimony builder that the Lord knows and loves me. And I know He loves us all and our varying circumstances and trials are not to change us necessarily, but to improve us. Put your trust in the Lord and know that what you are going through is especially for you, and the Lord is there for us to use Him as a support.

Ether 12:27 has always been a fave of mine.
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them.

1 comment:

  1. She is absolutely amazing! My heart is so happy with these great personal experiences she is having!
