Monday, August 26, 2013

Brno-it All :)

Hey y'all!

So this week has been great of course! We contacted several people who we are meeting with this week that I am excited about. Thank you all for your encouragement, I miss y'all so much! Thank you for keeping me filled in with the goings-on there, I just sit here with a smile when reading all your emails.
Mom, don't think I would be so stupid as to not write you because of a comment about those glasses lol. I'm sorta used to used to it;) jk.(Insert Courtney's note: Mom basically told Carley in her last letter that she didn't approve of the "hipster" glasses Carley's been adorning in some of her pics) I don't wear them all the time just occasionally to change it up, if it makes you feel better, and I never wear them when we're contacting people and if I do wear them I wear lipstick...but moving on! haha. I love you all so much!!

Meet Leopold! He is taking the lessons with us and bought us ice-cream (zmrzlina) this week. He is the classiest, coolest 87 year-old ever and so sharp!

CASSIDY!!!! Holy moly girl, way to go!!! JV Tennis team :) I am so proud of you, you have the right enthusiasm and spunk for tennis I think. Keep up the awesome work! And wow, weird you will be going to seminary. whhhhatt??! (said like the little yellow men on despicable me) You will love it, it'll help you be a morning person for sure haha. Here's some scriptures I wanted to share with you, John 15:9-17.

Carley's apartment (exterior)
and this is the living room area. I should have gotten a pic of all the windows along the left side wall. skoda (means like darn)

this is our apartment the kitchen side

Dallas, another ticket...ouch (Insert Courtney's note here: Dallas got pulled over by a motorcycle cop for speeding a "titch" over the limit, cough, cough, then the officer proceeded to cite him for not wearing contacts--even though Dallas tried to explain that he got Lasik just last month). But yes, these humbling experiences happen before the mission. Believe me... I know. :P Just learn what you can from it and be sooooo grateful for Mom and Dad being there to help and figure everything out for us basically (y'all rock!!! <3). Just keep listening to Mom and Dad. They are always right. (Ya... I did just say that.) 
this is me with my teacher Sister Byla (white in czech)
I think back to pre-mission and see everything so differently and am embarrassed with all my stupid moments (sorry!!). I am so excited for you! The temple is the best place ever!! Just one month to go!! It is the final countdown!!
Court and Cam, yay for Lady!!! I am so excited for y'all and she is the luckiest pup ever, I'm sure she has an over-abundance of personality which will fit perfectly into the family :) I love y'all and your examples, I know I sound like a broken record saying that but REALLY. Y'all are amazing!

Building in Prague
Mommy, how I miss you!! I think about you all the time, in fact maybe too much? haha My comp is prolly annoyed with how often I refer to how you would react in any situation lol. Just know I think about you all constantly and any time I can I talk about you to ward members, investigators, random people on the street, etc., I jump on it. :) I love my companion, she is a lot like me in how we work. We laugh allllll the time. She likes to make me feel good by laughing at my jokes. I love feeling back in my element of making people laugh. It makes me feel more like myself, it really lightens the mood of the work which I desperately need.
Have you gotten a new calling? I'm sorry you were released from Young Women's, the girls will miss you soooo much (I think I know the feeling).

In Brno namesti (town center) cool stuff right?

Me in Prague last week, I look exhausted.

Dadio, Tata (must be a czech word, I think it means Daddy????)! You are so great, I love the letter you sent with all the funny pics, they crack me up lol. I did speak a little french je pe parle francais un peu (phonetically) just je m'appelle Seur Schoen, elle s'appelle... commo talle vous? simple stuff. But it opened her ears more I think. Sad thing, her husband won't let her take the lessons, he is Muslim. But maybe one day... Thanks for the music too! I finally can now listen to the iPod and the CD that Court sent me in the MTC. We jam out every morning! :) Y'all are seriously the bestest family ever! 

We have been meeting with a less-active for a while and he has just been giving us fits. Just being silly and justifying his silly thinking. I want to shake him and knock some sense into him. We feel like parents with a belligerent (sp?) teenager. So I sympathize maybe slightly more with Mom and Dad now. Kinda hard to explain, you just feel responsible for their spiritual well-being and it is frustrating and daunting. Mehh.
Today we are going to my first castle so next week I will have those pics. 
I love this work, I know the gospel is true and it can bless every single person. Pray hard, Work hard! <3

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing how Carley is doing! She seems to be doing great! I want to see a picture of her in her glasses. :)
