Monday, January 27, 2014

Don't Worry, it's just a light frost (she highlighted her hair back to blonde!)

This week has been great, alot of snow, but I'm not hurtin' so all is well. :) Glad you got my letter! I will be sending another one hopefully tomorrow, if we have some spare time in the evening. 
we went to a cute museum and I was amazed that they let us touch pretty much everything... (like things dating back to the 14th century etc.). Dont worry I didnt go crazy running my hands over everything. It was just very different than my elementary school field-trip "don't even breath on it too long" mentality lol the history is soooo amazing here!
And I can give a more in-depth account of this mighty crazy week we had. Our amazing investigator who will be baptized in February is in the hospital for a cancerous tumour, so please pray for him. He is really awesome, and so spiritually prepared, it blows us away how much he just grasps everything!  And in the midst of this big trial, he is relying on prayer and scripture study and wants so badly to come to church. It is so inspiring to see how he has progressed spiritually!! We had a fireside in Jicin and President McConkie spoke. He spoke about the growth of the church from Joseph Smith to the beginnings of the church here in the CZ, including all the history and empowering stories of early members here who met secretly during the time of communism. We had the opportunity to meet one of these women this past week, she is in a nursing home and while she can't come to church, her faith is ever-bright. She is 94 years old and learned about the church (like many members here) through yoga! She is a dear women and so spiritually strong although her body is growing very weak. As we were sharing a scripture with her, she got up and began to move to the other side of the room (she has very bad vision mind you) and began pouring us glasses of water (perliva= bubbly...not my favorite, but I have gotten used to it). I just about cried. What a huge heart and strong will. Its amazing! So many of the members here I think are as strong as those early poineers. President put it so well in his fireside when he said, "the fundamental element/principle of our religion is having a personal, convincing experience with God." 
Just as we believe and know that Joseph Smith truly saw God, the Father, and the Son when he prayed humbly for an answer to his burning question. We know that each of us, in this life meant for our learning and growth, can likewise (though obviously not necessarily in the same fashion) receive answers to our personal prayers. What a beautiful thing! I know it is true! Though this week has been hard (surprisingly enough, not everyone agrees with this spiritual rationale) but I am growing my spiritual encounters with God in my own "grove". As we all do. When we face trials, let-downs, make mistakes we are carving our own sculpture of faith, made specially by our Loving Father's hands, and more beautiful than we ourselves could imagine. And when we have the final unveiling and see the masterpiece that we unknowingly have become, I know our eyes will be filled-to-the brim with tears of joy. :) 
I love you all! I love this gospel! I love my Savior and I pray for you!!!!!!!!!! <3

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