Monday, June 2, 2014

Almost Mlada Time!

​Hello all! So this is the week before transfers so it is very likely my last in MB. I have been here for 6 months and it is not common for missionaries to stay longer than that in an area. It's been a tough last couple of weeks not going to lie... seems that the "learning moments" just keep piling on. We went on a run this morning though and I already feel a little weight lifted maybe both literally and metaphorically haa. I do miss some hard-core runs to release pent-up stress but that's okay, I am finding new outlets. This week we had a concert in Liberec, I was able to borrow a flute to perform with so that was awesome. 
And this week we have another in Jicin, so basically we are going on tour. Sister Steglich rocks on the guitar and is really musical so she has orchestrated it all very well. I have been very grateful for the time we have served together and I know that we will continue to be friends after the mission. It is kinda impossible not to be, once you have these hard experiences together it bonds you in a way that really cannot be counterfeited. But something I am learning more and more is the relationship I have with the Savior should be the strongest we have. I loved reading "Jesus the Christ", so enlightening. And I love John 15, one verse that struck me was 18 when He says (paraphrased) "Marvel not that the hate you, they hated me before they hated you." I get so frustrated when people turn on us when I know we aren't doing anything wrong but right and they have the nerve to get upset about it... And I see it with others working in the name of Christ. If it only brings about good, why are people so obsessed with tearing it down? A mystery. But I know that what I am doing is good and right in the sight of God and I would rather be in good terms there than in the opinions of imperfect people around me. Which is a more worthy cause, obedience to a higher more rewarding code of ethics or falling to the trends and fashions of today?

But in other great news, we went to a concert for Nadeje, the night-shelter where we teach English and it was at a Kostel or Catholic cathedral. Well we walk in and it is packed with people getting ready and they (the workers at Nadeje) had been asking us  over and over if we were going and as we walk in Ivona, the head-manager sees us and runs over and guides us to the very front and sits us down on the front-row reserved seats.. :O We were sitting on the same row as all the big-wigs of the city. 
All the cameras for the paper and everything were taking pics the whole time. And I am just dumb-founded and all I kept think was, "I really wish I had done my hair today." kicking myself. Who woulda known it was going to be such a high-class experience?? And during it they had a slide-show and there I am on the huge screen, whhhaaattt??? And during it they thank our church, which is huge because all these other head preachers and pastors are there and they all know our church and are the main source of push-back here because they claim we're a cult. WEM (insert Courtney's note: for those of you unfamiliar with forehead/finger slang...Turn you fingers into a W, then E, then M, then make the "L" sign infront of your forehead, now do it quickly and say "What Ever Major Loser."). Then afterwords they escort us to the VIP section for refreshments and we talked to some people there. It was AWESOME. Though I definitely had "deer-in-the-head-lights" look on the entire time, still kinda in shock. But it was one of the cooler opportunities because we were able to unite with the other Christians in a good cause. And that is what we are about "the unity of the Faith" and accepting all truth. I love the Czech Republic and I am so blessed to be here!!!! <3 And I have like nooo time to email yall back so just expect something in the mail later. I have spent too much on this one sorry! Praying for you all and am so grateful for all your support!!!!
These pics were from a lunch appointment with Sister B. I just love her!!! She was one that Sister Hicken and I repeatedly visited and she was never home. Then one day we called her and she said we could come over right then so we ran over there. I think it was the perfect timing of the Lord. He works miracles. Glad I can *taste the rewards!
These are ovocne knedliky with tvaroh. Very very sweet but great!

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