What an amazing week I tell ya! We had an amazing training on Tuesday in
Prague - Sister Kapora was there. She is one of the leading ladies, if
not the leading lady in the development of the Church here in the Czech
Republic. She has written a book about it, I am told. Anywho Sister D
and I got to practice teaching her and it was so neat to talk to her one
on one, she is seriously such a spiritual giant and so sweet!
Sister D stops and smells the roses (zoom in on that beautiful, dew-drop rose!) |
I also
got your packages you all sent me, Mom and Court I love EVERYTHING!!! I
nearly had a melt-down they were all so cute and thank you Grandma Kent
for the cute shirt and note:) After training we went on exchanges with
the Sister Trainer Leaders- I was in Prague and Sister Daugirda stayed
in Ostrava for a day with my MTC Comp Sister H which was neat. It was
cool to be in Prague for a little bit and seeing as this was my second
time on an exchange there, I think that should suffice for saying that I
served in Prague if I don't get the legit chance to. But, I am
perfectly happy with that. :)
It was really hard to be away from my
beloved Ostrava, even for a day. When we got back, and came into the,
for lack of a better adjective, "jank" train station, I felt oddly right
at home, as my interim-companion commented on, "only in ostrava"
features ie, an exposed water pipe and puddle of water=artistic
fountain. side note: Sestra D and I may have had an epic run and embrace
On Thursday we taught the Book of Mormon study class again and got great reviews on it from the participants so that was fun. On Friday
we saw a load of miracles. That morning we each, Sister D and I,
studied faith and prayer and even the same talk without knowing it until
comp study. We specifically prayed for people with whom we are meeting.
I think this is a picture of the YW in Sister Schoen's branch, as her and Sister D were called to be YW leaders. |
About a month ago I met a wonderful Christian mom in a city outside of
Ostrava and had the privilege of talking to her for a bit (it was
actually on my year-mark anniversary in the country and before then I
had been seeing a ton of rejection until her) then she went on vacation,
then Sister D and I went out and had a wonderful lesson with her. But a
few weeks had gone by and we had had no new contact with her and were
feeling a little blue about it. So Sister D says the most heartfelt and
beautiful prayer and no joke...within 15 minutes our phone goes off and
she texted us saying she had been thinking about us and wanted to meet
any day that week. WHATTT??? wowza. So of course we begin happy-dancing
about our living room. It was such a glorious moment!!! Then we get ready to go, we made
our bus to get to the tram stop and on that bus we notice a guy and a
prolly 13-year-old girl reading our nametags from across the bus. The
bus ride lasts maybe 5 minutes- they got off at our same stop and I ran
to catch them. We talked to them for maybe a minute quickly and hurriedly
explaining who we are and why we are here and he says he's not a
believer, we say "that's okay! we can help with that!" we switched
numbers then ran to catch our tram. Then on Sunday we had a lot of
contacting time. We met and talked to this wonderful mom with two
daughters, they were really interested in meeting, we exchanged numbers
and I called the number while we were standing there but her phone
wasn't with her. We walk away a ways and I get a text back from that
number asking who it was...my heart sank. But I didn't want to tell my
sweet companion that the lady gave us a fake number so I assure her
that I likely typed it in wrong. But I was a little disappointed/confused that she did that... fast-forward to Sunday
night- a random text...from the man on the bus asking when we could
meet and then setting up with him for Tuesday. We were so happy!!! Still
are! He contacted us first! (that doesn't happen so often haha...)
Then this morning around 7am
we went to our grocery store nearby our flat and as we are walking out
Sister D starts elbowing me in the side saying "its the lady from
yesterday!" And there is that woman, who had given us the wrong
number...or so I thought. I was like "play it cool sis" and we strolled
up to her, she was so excited to see us and we talked for a sec then I
said how strangely that number was from some guy named Luke. With
genuine surprise she looked at the number and said "its a 5 not a 6". So
it really was my fault! It is so crazy-coincidence that it was
definitely not an accident! I have never met her before and yet within
24 hours in completely different parts of a big city like Ostrava we
*happen to meet again. (Insert angelic chorus here)
But wait there's
more! This morning we wanted to go someplace to quickly print-off our
emails so that we could devote more time to writing later so we went to
find a local library closer to where we live. Welp, had no idea where to
go so we just hopped on a bus and decided to ask the locals. We asked
this older lady and she gladly offered to show us a great knihovna
(library) near where she lived. So the angel walks us to the most
random of places that I am sure you couldn't even find with google maps.
So we offered service to this nice woman and had a great convo with her
then went in to the library. This library was so cute!!! We walked in
and the librarian was so nice and wanted to chat with us more. She was
happy to see we were from a church (not common) and let us even print
for free although we pressed to let us pay. She was a gem. We have been
seeing so many miracles and being so blessed we just keep pinching
ourselves. Of course I am loving my companion, we get along seriously a
little too well and I am sooo grateful for all she is teaching me. I
sometimes forget who is training.
I am not going to profess to be the
most put-together trainer, sometimes I feel like a chicken with my
head-cut-off, but thankfully she just laughs with me and we just make
the spiritual-most of a crisis. We love the people we are meeting with,
trying to get into the swing of things organizationally but always
feeling like we are improving so I am a happy camper. I love the Czech
Republic and I am so grateful to be having these faith building
experiences and helping others recognize the influence of our Heavenly
Father in their lives. It is truly an honor. I am so happy with the
gospel and I feel like that should be a simple enough tell-tale sign
that it is true. If you're not sure, pray about it. Even if you are
sure, still pray about it. Your cup is never completely full! I love you
all and I pray for you always. Have an amazing week and notice your own
heaven-sent miracles!