Hey Family!
(This e-mail was sent in response to e-mail requests from family members requesting more info on investigators and ward/branch members and the YW she serves in Ostrava, Czech Republic. It has been edited with people's names changed/shortened)
Investigators- I don't
often include specific info on investigators because we have been asked
not to just in case they get on the internet somehow. But I definitely
shy on the overly vague and not-even-mention them at all side, sorry! Ma
bad. Anywho, we have several progressing investigators (which means
they keep commitments and are progressing towards baptism) We have been
meeting with someone named "M" for over 4 months now and he enjoys
studying the church and knowing all the info, even coming to all the
activities, but doesn't want to be baptized too quick. We are helping him
understand the importance and he has been making much more progress
lately so yay!
Then there is "L", he is one of our member's boyfriends who we gave a Book of Mormon to and have been meeting with him ever since this transfer started, he is going to school and working. He started out as an avid atheist who wouldn't pray. Now he is reading, praying, attending church and is on baptismal date for the 11 of October woo!!! We are very confident that he will make it. He is solid and will make a great member!!! It has been awesome seeing his faith and relationship with God grow.
Then we have "N", my beloved "N". She is the mom who I met a couple months ago then she texted us after our prayer, so we met her husband who remembered meeting the missionaries 12 years ago before he was a believer. He is really interested in how our church works and the doctrine of how the priesthood is received and used. Anywho, she came to church on Sunday! Woopeee!!! It is so awesome that she came all that way, also really stressful for me notgonnalie.
She got there late to the train station so we ran there to get her to bring her back then we walk back to the building with her and as we come in to go into the chapel, an older member straight-up starts waving at us through the door scream-whispering "go away! you're interrupting!!! ' over and over. I about had a conniption, with all the force of will I could muster, I looked him in the eyes and said "we are coming to church" and walked in. He caused such a scene and poor "N" felt immediately awkward and unwanted... the talks were wonderful but it was hard overcoming that. :(
I've decided I just think sometimes we need a workshop of what to do with investigators around. It isn't changing what we teach, but how we teach/say it. Like asking them if they are an investigator when you first meet them. lol I hope she gets back soon to us I have no idea what her overall view of it was. She is soooooooooo amazing though! Keep your fingers and arms crossed for her please!!!!!! She is seriously so golden. So that is some info on a couple of our investigators!
Then there is "L", he is one of our member's boyfriends who we gave a Book of Mormon to and have been meeting with him ever since this transfer started, he is going to school and working. He started out as an avid atheist who wouldn't pray. Now he is reading, praying, attending church and is on baptismal date for the 11 of October woo!!! We are very confident that he will make it. He is solid and will make a great member!!! It has been awesome seeing his faith and relationship with God grow.
Then we have "N", my beloved "N". She is the mom who I met a couple months ago then she texted us after our prayer, so we met her husband who remembered meeting the missionaries 12 years ago before he was a believer. He is really interested in how our church works and the doctrine of how the priesthood is received and used. Anywho, she came to church on Sunday! Woopeee!!! It is so awesome that she came all that way, also really stressful for me notgonnalie.
She got there late to the train station so we ran there to get her to bring her back then we walk back to the building with her and as we come in to go into the chapel, an older member straight-up starts waving at us through the door scream-whispering "go away! you're interrupting!!! ' over and over. I about had a conniption, with all the force of will I could muster, I looked him in the eyes and said "we are coming to church" and walked in. He caused such a scene and poor "N" felt immediately awkward and unwanted... the talks were wonderful but it was hard overcoming that. :(
I've decided I just think sometimes we need a workshop of what to do with investigators around. It isn't changing what we teach, but how we teach/say it. Like asking them if they are an investigator when you first meet them. lol I hope she gets back soon to us I have no idea what her overall view of it was. She is soooooooooo amazing though! Keep your fingers and arms crossed for her please!!!!!! She is seriously so golden. So that is some info on a couple of our investigators!
The YW are amazing. The practically teach us. 2
angels. "M" (15) and "V" (almost 18) we are working on Personal
Progress with them so V has it finished by her birthday at the
end of this month.
We as a duo (Sister Daugirda and I) are doing wonderfully. She has
taught me a lot about simple faith. I was freaking out stressing about "N" on Saturday night and she just turned and said "How about lets just
pray about it and put it in the Lord's hands.' Sometimes we get so
flustered when we really don't need to be. I have a bad habit of almost
thriving off a little stress to keep me going and feeling like I am
doing things but! that isn't necessary. So I am still learning that. But
I really had to humble myself and not respond back with a snappy remark
(you know exactly what I mean) but really accept the obvious truth and
be more Christlike. I am so grateful for her, she is a keeper. Plus we
laugh all the time. So that is great :)
if I could ask one thing, if you could from here on out not directly
say how much time I have left. You can be excited but, I don't want to
be tempted by any form of "trunky'' ness. Which does happen. So no
numbers. Thankfully my entire mission, my incompetency with
guesstimating has helped me feel oblivious to the approaching deadline
of leaving, but kinda hard to ignore these decreasing numbers. I think
it is also hard for my companion who just got here and is now thinking
how much time I have left and comparing it to her's. We will all see
each other and it isn't as long away as it was from day one and that day
will come. No worries there:) and of course I am excited, but I also
want to keep my eye on the prize and set a good example to my companion.
So I would lovingly like to ask that we all become "obliviots'' until
the final couple of weeks :) Thank you!
I love you all and I keep you all in my prayers!
s Laskou,
Sestra Schoen

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