Thank you so much for your dearElders! Whats superdeedooper awesome
is that they print them out and we get them usually a day after you send
them but we just have to wait for Friday
to write back, so PLEASE keep 'em a'comin!!! I love them ever so much.
Insert Courtney's Note: Dear Elder is a mailing system that allows you to type a letter online, then submit it to the Missionary Training Center. The administration there prints off the e-mail, puts it in an envelope and delivers it to the missionary of your choice. If you would like to send something to Carley, here is the information you need.
Go to
Fill out the selected fields with the information in the picture left (unit #, mission code, departure date)
Now, back to Carley's letter...
So I have been here for over a week now. WOO! only 8 more to go!!
Actually, I have a feeling the time is going to fly by so I better git
goin. So funny thing about being here in the Utah, I have become that
stereotypical Texan that won't stop gabbing about their state's supreme
awesomeness. I shall not be ashamed of the...state of Texas *(and the
gospel of Christ). I mean it's fairly easy for people to catch, what with
my Texas watch and Texas key-chain and the classic "y'all" that seems
to cause some inquiry. Anywho, this past week has been amazing and
crazy. I feel like Im always going, but I LOVE it. Its like when you're
on a treadmill and you bump up the speed and your hauling it and you're
verging on just biting it but your will keeps you going and you're proud
of yourself every moment you do. That's what its like.
I wake up at
around 5 a.m. and am constantly moving until bed. I've never thought of
myself as an "early bird" but I like the jump start to the day. Who
woulda thunk? They have sisters-only workout classes in the mornings at 6 a.m.
and I love those! Yoga, kick-boxing, pilates, and toning. It's no
zumba...but I'll take it ;). I have sincerely loved the sisters in
my zone, they are so motivating and inspirational. They are all from the
states but are going to those countries mentioned in my last letter if I didn't make that clear. I have made such wonderful friendships here and its
such a blessing. We laugh all the time, and its so awesome that they
all have the same foundation of faith and focus on their future that I
The language is coming along... We have taught 5 lessons in Czech to
a PI (not personal investigator, Progressing Investigator) named Honza.
(insert Courtney's note: Carley and her fellow "sestri" are role-playing with a fake took me a minute to realize this). We told him, Honza, of his Heavenly Father's love for him, how to pray to receive answers to his questions, the importance of his Savior, Jesus
Christ, and taught him the importance of baptism. We would need to continue teaching him, but now come to
find out, we are getting TWO new investigators and Honza is now going to
be our teacher. So he'll get to explain all the wonderful silly
mistakes we made. Yay. I'd like to say they were smooth and easy
sailing, but alas, this is not the case. It was more like czhenglish.
I'm still getting the hang of things and work out the kinks but I am
getting more and more comfortable with the schedule and my companions.
When I speak czech I may or may not sound like I'm beat-boxing. Oh!! and
exciting news. "No" is the shortened form of "Ano" which means
yes... that's gonna throw me for a loop a bit. I really love my class,
the elders (starsi) are hysterical. They're so dynamic and excited to
work and learn. But they're kind of like puppies so they have a tendency
to lose their focus. One elder's birthday was today and we sang to
him in the laundry room. He starts every sentence with "Little known
fact..." (Cliff Claybon, lol) and then there's another elder who is an
actor. His role model; Jim Carrey. He recited and acted out the Grinch
yesterday so we found a loophole to watching TV, lol. Our teachers are
great, Sestra W. who is super nice and sweet and a tiny thing...yet
plays rugby? And Bratr M. who's cool too. (insert Courtney's note: I removed full last names for their privacy)
It's been a whirlwind of an adventure so far and I haven't even left the states yet...what??
I hope to make the absolute most of this time. I have found so much
peace and comfort and strength in prayer. Never have I found it so
integral in my day , but it seems like I never stop all day. It's
continuous. Because I have never needed it this much I think. Sometimes I
get a bit down on myself about the language and want to pound my head
against the wall repeatedly (which not gonna lie...I may occassionally
do.) But they come in waves and it seems like each time it crashes on my
shore I get a bit stronger more able to withstand the next one. And I
know that it is through the Lord that I can do this.
29:8-9 (insert Courtney's note: Alma is a book of scripture in the Book of Mormon, like how Matthew is a book in the New Testament. Mormons believe in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon)
8 For behold, the Lord doth agrant unto ball nations, of their own nation and ctongue, to teach his word, yea, in wisdom, all that he dseeth fit that they should have; therefore we see that the Lord doth counsel in wisdom, according to that which is just and true.
Studying the scriptures has been such a blessing too, with things I
didn't realize that I needed more than I did.
![]() |
This is the Provo, Utah, temple. There are 141 operating temples world-wide. |
Today I went to the temple which
gave me even more peace as usual. (insert Courtney's note here: for Latter-day Saints, the temple is the most sacred place on earth. If you want to learn about what goes on in the temple, you can learn more here:
A lot of the people from
my zone have taken or speak fluent, German. So everyone calls
me Sestra Shern. Like it would be pronounced in Germany. Kinda
interesting but I have quickly grown accostumed to it and respond to it
Overall, its been a great week and I am excited to include more
specific information when I get better about using my measely hour of
email time.
Thankyou to everyone for your prayers and support, I love and miss Y'ALL!!!!
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