SO! drumroll please........ I am staying in Brno for this next transfer! But wait, there's more! ....with the super Sister Steglich! But WAIT, there's more!...with the (whats a synonym of fantastic that starts with a C? my English is seriously suffering.) charismatic (that works) Sister Cooper! My lame alliteration aside, we are now a trio! My second thus far!
For some reason, people are really scared of trios, they are kinda infamous in missions... Elder Gilmore explained the worry well when he related companionships to math. Elders multiply the characteristics of each other's personality while sisters square each others. and when you have a trio it is like cubing it so all those things get enumerated even more. Hope that makes some sense. I find it a funny thought though I don't agree with it completely. I do agree that trio's are different, but its like learning to drive a standard versus an automatic, its more effort but there are a ton of pro's to it. (Not that I can drive a standard very well...but one can imagine).
After 8 minutes of walking, I asked for help from two-civilians. I was doing great! The language is really coming along...except when I went to say "auto nadraží" I said "nazdráví" which is definitely what you say after someone sneezes, I don't know why that came out. But we got a good laugh. We retrieved Sister Cooper and all was well again in Brno. I am a bit exhausted from lugging their luggage all over the place back and forth x2. I love them both, much to come on our adventures we will no-doubt have.
I also got to go to Tesco with the Archibalds this morning when I didn't have a companion so Sis. Archibald was my Designated Companion. I loved it. Tesco is way different than Alberts or Billa, its like a Wal-mart. Not exactly of course but the best I've seen and somehow it was so soothing to walk around with them helping them get food for family home evening tonight with the YSA (young single adults) here. I will be so much more grateful for future grocery shopping excursions when I return home!!! It was its own tender mercy for me haha.
I have some wonderful news! So guess who came to church yesterday?? (Carley says a name here, but we'll just call this person Val)! ;) Prayers are always answered just not always when we expect. I am going to miss Sister Woody she taught me so much and I will cherish our memories and I am excited to share them in much more detail when I return! I think I am getting more of the hang of things here and I am beyond thrilled to be here in Brno again. I love these members and people. I am thankful everyday for this experience. I did indeed get the card this week! How thoughtful!! I gabbed on and on to all the missionaries about my "zumba ladies". I will work on responding to all these sweet emails in due time. I apologize for my lateness! I love you all! Thank you for your notes of wisdom, encouragement, and support. I am one blessed sister!!!
Fall is here and the city is evolving into somehow an even more beautiful, picture-esque place |
this is the food I made me-self!!! Sister Woody was brave enough to try it |
Veveri castle |
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