The apartment has shrunk haha and we are learning how to teach in unity with the three of us, but it all feels vaguely familiar from my MTC experience (where she also was in a trio with Sestra Huggard and Sestra Jackson) so in that respect I am not worried. But something that kind-of worried me this week was one of our investigators who Sister Woody and I had come to love, and I had thought had become good friends, along with her increased testimony of the gospel, just up and stopped responding to our texts/calls.
Not gonna lie, it has caused me alot of hurting and I feel like it is my fault and with 4 eyes to watch me as I struggle. That has been harder for me to handle. But the sisters have been so supportive and inspiring and I know that we will work miracles together. They help me to have faith and I am excited for the this time we have together. We are in charge of the Family History Class this week, in helping people here start to find their ancestors. Once that is off our plate, I will calm down a ton. But it is an exciting thing to learn about: that we can connect generations and learn more about our predescessors (that deeeefinitely is not spelled correctly). (I thought about fixing the spelling and deleting her parentheses section, but then I decided I like her flavor, lol, and I also could never have spelled predecessor without autocorrect)
Especially here in the Czech Republic, there is so much history and stories of bravery by the people wanting freedom. What a blessing it is to be freed from oppressive governments. I am so excited for this weekend because we have General Conference and have the opportunity to receive those inspired words to help us navigate our lives in the direction the Lord wants, from men called of God to do so. I have begun reading the Book of Mormon again, and an hour of personal study is never enough! I learn so much from the stories of Nephi and how faithful, diligent, and courageous he was. It inspires me to strive to be like him in proclaiming the truth but also acting righteously. Love this Gospel!
Life without the influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ is weird. I just want to scream at people (in the most loving of ways) "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING???" That stuff they try to fill in there to make up for truth is just stupid. This life is way more than partying or even just floating along. There are opportunities for growth through personal revelation and revelation given to us through Christ's church on the earth today.
I love the term "wisdom in the Lord," it is used repeatedly in the scriptures. And how true it is, that sometimes we act on faith or the Lord's ultimate wisdom and not our own. We need to be willing to submit ourselves to experiences that will enlighten our own understanding, like we trust the guidance of our parents, we trust in the divine guidance of our heavenly father.
I know this time for me is meant for me and for y'all to learn new things. It is difficult being away from you, I miss you constantly but greater than that, I am excited for the things we will learn and this time is really very short in the grand scheme of things. Did you know we will be together for eternity?? Ya. Totes grateful for that. We are gonna have soooo much fun as a family ^_^
Sestra Schoen :)
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