One is a woman I contacted my first transfer and told her we taught free english class every week, it was short and rough for me. But she came over a month later and asked questions at the end of our spiritual thought that we shared at the end and we began meeting with her. I really love her, she is super sweet.
The people aren't very receptive here for the most part..We are teaching a man from Italy who is working here. He actually came and watched General Conference. I am seeing more and more miracles and learning more and more how to be a better disciple of Christ.
We are awoken in the middle of the night sometimes too drunk people screaming nonsense. Realized this week that Scripture Power (the primary song) has a very similar tune to the lion king song, "Can you feel the love tonight." Random thought of the day.
It's crazy how the mission truly humbles and empowers you. Its been one of the best weeks, as far as an out-pouring of miracles, but I am so exhausted!!!!
I am learning a ton about how to be patient. Im sorry my letters arent better and more in-detail. Dallas is getting his reassignment this week! Time has flown for sure,
Budubububuh, I'm lovin it here,
Sending a huuuuge squeeze!
Sestra Czechers
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