Monday, June 9, 2014


Yup that's right. I am now in the far eastern city of the Czech Republic:) It is referred to as the "little Detroit of the Czech Republic"haha (shout-out to Cam!) I cried when I was told Friday night that I would be leaving. I absolutely adore Mlada Boleslav and all the wonderful people there, but here's to a new city with new adventures and friends! Saturday was pretty stressful, we had a concert that night in Jicin and were waiting on the infamous "transfer calls". We were on edge all day, but when our bus was late from Boleslav to Jicin we had an opportunity to talk to a fellow we over-heard speaking english. Long-story short, he came to the concert and to church the next day and is really awesome! But when we were teaching him in Jicin when we arrived there, President McConkie called to tell us where we were going, when sister Steglich told him we were in a lesson he told us to call him back...that was at around 3.30 in the afternoon. We tried calling him back but his phone was busy.

We go through the concert (which went swimmingly) still nothing. So we are on the way home and it is late- around 9pm (yes, my definition of "late" has definitely changed mom and dad). He talked to Sister Steglich then to me. Sister Steglich is in a trio (again!) and I am with Sister Senkane who is from Latvia and completely amazing. She is 21, studied bio-chemistry at BYU Provo and is two transfers behind me I believe, she served in Brno before this and served with Sister Huggard this past transfer. I am so stoked to be here and tram-contact again. There are sooo many people here so I am excited to go-hard in contacting. :)

We travelled this morning to Prague where I met with a young elder who was coming to Ostrava too. Man, packing all the stuff I had from this past half a year was not so fun, lugging it around the country, oddly-enough, even less fun. It reminded me of my first transfer though running with my heavy luggage in the heat and loving it:) (Shout out to Sister Woody!!!<3) In the train-station, we couldn't find Sister Huggard (who is now Sister Hicken's comp in Prague) so we were all trying to find her so I took the MB phone and Sisters Hicken and Steglich took the Prague phone (every area has its own designated phone that the missionaries use). We found her, no worries:) Transfer days are cray-cray. Let's send foreigners across the country with all their belongings and most-often without a phone....-_- The Lord truly is protecting us all that there are not more stories of MIA missionaries on transfer-days. So me and Elder Petty get on our train with a few minutes to spare, only to find the MB phone in my bag.

My heart dropped and though I didn't think it possible, I sweat even more. I called the Sister Hicken, she was with the other two sisters headed back to the metro. She answered and said sister Steglich was running back. So I start high-tailing it in that direction telling the poor 2nd-transfer missionary to watch me and I spot a glimpse of her across the station (bigger/similar size as the one in Harry Potter)  we ran into an epic embrace and quick pep-talk then its off-to-the-races again back to the train. I made it and we all lived happily ever after:)

It's been a crazy-awesome couple of days and I am so pumped to work here in Ostrava. It gets a bad rap, but I think its like the diamond in the rough (shout out to Dal-err. Elder Schoen) Me and Sister Senkane will get-along really well and I don't have my card-reader to upload pictures but next time for sure! I have loved all your emails and support!

I heard about Brother Goode coming to Prague how neat is that! Very sweet of him to look for me and too bad we just missed each other. I love hearing how everything is going there and all the successes. I will be praying for yall at Girl's Camp. I was always such a girls camp geek. Whatever, it was cool. I hope you have a wonderful, spiritually uplifting time there. Sometimes it really does take escaping to nature to remember the deeper things plus, there's no excuse not to let the tears flow when you're not wearing make-up. haha I love you all so very much!!!!!!!! And I hope you survive the Texas/New Mexico/Oklahoma heat! So very blessed to be here in the Czech Republic and serving the Lord! I know that this gospel is 100% true. And I am working to be the person I want to become, more like my Savior Jesus Christ.

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